Day 1

Day 1

Preparing the soil for this plot took relatively no time. The Land participants who donated the use of this small 8X10 foot footprint had retarded weeds and therefore pests by laying black tarping and then large chip bark along the entirety of their year. Underneath we found rich, composted loamy soil, red with nutrients, and absent of weeding. Turning the dirt required little effort as it had not compacted.

However, also noticeably absent was earth worms, which quickly replenished itself with a dose of natural horse manure compost from a stable in Orangevale.

Sprouting strong

Sprouting strong

Planted are tomatos, corn, three variety of bean, squash, chard, spinach, mesclun, and quinoa. The squash – both blue squash and lemon cucumber – didn’t last the birds before we could put the tarp down, so more seeds are being planted, which will come up quickly. Meanwhile the tomatoes are having a hard time as in other farms. You will see this in other posts. All tomatoes seems to have gone on strike, and unfortunately have returned to the earth one might say prematurely. Replacements are on the way, but not until after we have made peace.

Meanwhile, the mesh is in place, the snails are at bay for the moment, and everyone is looking good.